Τα τελευταία 6 χρόνια εργάστηκα στην Εθνική Λυρική Σκηνή ως υπεύθυνη οργάνωσης παραγωγών του συγκροτήματος μπαλέτου. Έχω δουλέψει δίπλα σε διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένους καλλιτέχνες μεταξύ άλλων, την Lynn Seymour, Irek Mukhamedov, Γιάννη Ντοντσάκη και Χριστιάνα Στεφάνου. Από το 2004 συνεργάζομαι στη διοργάνωση παραγωγών με το Badminton Theater, Half Note Jazz club, Eleven Tickets και την Λάβρυς. Παράλληλα με άλλες σπουδές μου, έχω σπουδάσει σκηνογραφία με την Μαρία Χανιωτάκη και τον Keny MacLellan και έχω κάνει πολλά χρόνια κλασσικό χορό και flamenco.
Education Sets & Costume Design, Laboratory of Scenography Athens (LSA), Maria Chaniotaki MA. Humanistic Integrative Counseling & Psychotherapy, Middlesex University Attended a two-years part time course accredited by COSCA & EAIP Associations, UK Diploma in Integrative Counseling, Athens Synthesis Center Attended a three-years part time course accredited by COSCA & EAIP Associations, UK BA. in Information Systems & Business Management, University of Greenwich, London UK Four-year Sandwich course including an Industrial Placement year “Homer College” Private Institute of Vocational Education HND in Marketing & Advertising, GPA: 18,1 out of 20 (91%) Graduated from Multi-Divisional Greek Lyceum (State Senior High School) Candidate of the 4th Sector (Concerning Economics), GPA: 18, 3 out of 20 (92%) Languages Greek (mother language) English (advanced - TOEFL score: 530, December 1994) French (intermediate - Certificate: Bien, 10/10/91) Computing Languages & Programs • MS DOS, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Outlook, Netscape • Access (Building Databases) • Ascent (Designing DB) • SELECT SSADM Professional • C.A.S.E Tools • Project Management 4. Professional Experience Greek National Opera (www.nationalopera.gr) Company Manager of the ballet company of GNO Project Management - Organizing and supervising artistic productions Main Duties: Public Relations-media representative for GNO ballet and ballet director, negotiation and creation of contracts with guest artists (choreographers, dancers, musicians, technical staff), account manager of financial planning & budgeting, hospitality of guest artists, coordination of technical works before and during performances on stage (sets, costumes, stage rehearsals etc.), advertising and promotional activities of the productions, coordination & supervision of Health & Safety issues, project management and reporting to Board of Directors, coordination of several activities with orchestra-dramatology-touring-supplies, personal assistant of the ballet director. During these years I worked under the direction of international well known artists such as Lynn Seymour, Irek Mukhamedov, Yiannis Dontsakis and Cristiana Stefanou. ADaM Productions Hellas-Organizing Cultural Events Athens GR Badminton Theater (www.adamprods.com & www.abcd.gr) Working part time for ADaM Productions Hellas & Silver Moon Productions Main duties at the office: Back office, ticketing, public relations, customer care, problem solving etc. Duties at the theatre: Merchandising, ticketing, seating arrangements, problem solving Participated at the following cultural events: - “CATS” Musical of the year by Andrew Lloyd Webber’s, Mar 21-April 24, 2005 - “Holiday on Ice - HOLLYWOOD” Olympic Complex Badminton, May 12- Jun 5, 2005 - “Nutcracker” St.Petersburg Ice Ballet Olympic Complex P.Falirou, Nov 16 - Dec25, 2005 - “De La Guarda” Athens Airport West, Hellenicon Olympic Complex, Feb 21- Mar 19, 2006 - “Holiday on Ice - DIAMONDS” Olympic Complex P.Falirou, May 26 - June 4, 2006 Athens International Airport S.A. -‘Eleftherios Venizelos’ (www.aia.gr) IT&T Customer Care Services, Coordinator - Bus. Development Department IT&T Business Development, Coordinator- Airport Services Department The main tasks of this position involve the provision and coordination of state-of-the-art IT&T services to airport community (30.000 users), the establishment of new opportunities for IT&T consulting activities within AIA and other external airports as well as the creation of consumer loyalty scheme. University of Greenwich (www.gre.ac.uk) Computing Lab Manager-Human Resources / Industrial Placement Job London, UK Computing Lab & Human Resources Manager at University of Greenwich, Woolwich Campus. Main duties: Managing Human Resources, problem solving, provision of technical support to students and staff, run and supervise Library’s and Language’s labs, general operational issues. “Money & Market” Financial Magazine - EUROCAPITAL Ltd. (www.athenstock.gr) Athens, Greece Advertising and Public Relations Executive (in Marketing Department) at a financial magazine for Greek Stock Market (PT&FT job). Parallel worked as an advertising executive for Greek magazine “FIRST”, involving yachting and shipping issues (PT job) Additional professional activities Attended to seminars and presentations by large company representatives, involving a wide range of issues, such as: Attended to the 2nd Mass Media Panhellenic Conference, Athens (December, 1995) TQM, Marketing Plan, Advertising, Manufacturing Production, Project Planning (winter, 1995) Regularly organized and participated on large events for Media and of a great importance Financial Exhibitions like “Money Show ‘96 & ‘97” in Athens and Salonika, “Yachting ‘97” NVQ (National Vocational Qualification) training session on “Sales for Service” for Key Staff by “Scottish & Newcastle Company” (Greenwich UK, 1998) Completed a TOPSA (ΤΟΠΣΑ) training program, Factory Festival on “Creating New Businesses for Culture” organized by INITIA A.E., KEE DIMITRA & the Municipality of Ag.Paraskevi - Chalandri, June – December 2014 Participated in a series of training courses as part of the Development and Training Program: “Fire Prevention Course” - Training Module A15111, February 2001, May 2002 & June 2005 “Waste Management”, April 2001 Participation on “Emergency Exercise Situation”, March 2002 “Time & Stress Management”, February 2002 “Environmental Corporate Training”, March 2002 & June 2005 “Office Safety Corporate Training”, May 2002 “Business Objects Course - WebI End User Training”, July 2002 “Investing in People”, Corporate Training, February 2004 “ITIL-Service Management Foundation Course” by CEC Europe UK, 27-30 Jan 2003 Award obtained by ISEB: 36/40 (Information Systems Examination Board by British Computing Society) Special Achievements Awarded “Certificate of Excellence & Special Achievement” by Athens International Airport, April 2001 Elected President of “Health & Safety Committee for A.I.A. Employees” at Athens International Airport S.A., November 2000- January 2005 Art Studies - Dance Jun ’12 Member of Hellenic Mission at International Competition of Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design & Space, PQ2015 Feb-May ‘12 Attended course on Sets & Costumes Design by Kenny MacLellan, NYAS 3-15 Apr’06 Attended two weeks workshop with ‘Jacob’s Pillow’ Modern Dance Academy USA Teachers: Milton Myers (Modern Traditions -The School of Alvin Ailey) Chet Walker (Jazz - Musical Theater) 2004-2010 Flamenco lessons (level: Tercer Ano), at D. Baltouna, “Spanish Academy Dance School” 2000-2004 Flamenco lessons at Yiannis Dontsakis, “En Mesogaia” Dance School, P.Rafti GR 1996-2000 Jazz & Modern Dance lessons, London UK 1991-1995 Modern Dance and Afro-Cuba Rhythms (dance therapy) at A.Gaintani Dance School 1986-1991 Classic Ballet lessons (Pre-elementary level) at Yiannis Metsis Ballet School, Athens 1981-1986 Classic Ballet at A.Petrova’s Ballet School, Athens Activities and Interests “Insight Institute of Personal Development” (September 2001-July 2005, Athens) Teaching of English as a foreign language (TEFL) Awarded Certificate on “EFL Methodology update Course”, Athens 26-31Aug 2002. Worked part-time as an English Teacher at “C.Stavridou English School”, P.Rafti, ‘02-‘03 Level of teaching skills: Regular A-B-C INSIGHT I: Awarded Certificate of Excellence on self-development, seminars organized by Santa Monica University in California USA (January 2001, Athens) INSIGHT II: Awarded Certificate on self-development, seminars organized by Santa Monica University in California USA (May 2001, Athens) Followed a girl-Scout career and achieved a distinction of “Team Leader” to young scouts aged 7-13 years old at 4th System of N.Smyrni, Sept ‘00 - Sept ‘04 Clean full driver’s license for car & motorcycle (March, 1994) Sailing License for Open Sea, Sailing School at P.Rafti (October, 2000) Other Hobbies: Professional dance, tennis, horse riding, gym, sailing, music, reading, interior decoration, acting lessons.