Είμαι απόφοιτος νομικής απο το University of Sussex πριν μερικούς μήνες επέστρεψα στην Ελλάδα για να στήσω μια medtech εταίρια. Παράλληλα πάντα θέλω να δοκιμάζω καινούργια πράγματα so here I am!
Promoted rapidly from online promoter to manager by demonstrating extensive loyalty and overachieving by increasing the customer base by 20%. Managed my own team. Assisted in the creation of an online database containing over 5,000 people.
Recruited and trained over 150 people over time. Managed up to 120 people at times. Led the team that organised the biggest student event to date in Brighton selling over 6,000 tickets over four venues simultaneously.
Actively recruited writers. Edited numerous articles. Assisted in the PR of the business.